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If you want to buy a lot of BOWHEAD - please ask operator about estimated delivery time. Because supply of big amounts it always a hard work connected with security of the transaction. BQ team always doing best to find safest ISK source for you. That's why it may take additional time.

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As part of its ongoing program of developing new products for the capsuleer market, ORE has created the Bowhead freighter as a specialized ship transporter. Experience with the ship-handling technology used in the Orca and Rorqual vessels enabled the Outer Ring Development division to build a ship dedicated to moving multiple assembled hulls at once.

Outer Ring Excavations are aggressively marketing the Bowhead as a flexible transport platform for organizing fleet logistics across New Eden, available from authorized ORE outlets.

Delivery Terms

Delivery of Capital ships may vary. Please discuss pickup point with operator.

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