Additional information
If you want to buy a lot of ATHANOR - please ask operator about estimated delivery time. Because supply of big amounts it always a hard work connected with security of the transaction. BQ team always doing best to find safest ISK source for you. That's why it may take additional time.This is digital item and buying it you confirm that after you received your item(s) you there no refunds or returns.
“Seen thousands of auto miners come and go. Like a bucket quarry in space. Easy to get used to. New tech's more like slicing out a volcano and bringing the whole thing up. Don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.” – Ramon Fulcan, veteran moon-mining engineer
The Athanor Refinery is a medium-sized structure from the Upwell Consortium and specialized for moon-mining and reaction-based industrial operations. The Athanor is the standard refinery in the Upwell Consortium’s line of industrial structures, and is able to use Upwell's Standup Service modules, allowing flexibility and customization of its functions.
This dedicated extraction and refining structure also provides access to Upwell’s M-Set line of rigs designed to improve productivity and optimization of various aspects of chemical reaction and moon-mining operations. The Athanor has docking facilities for subcapital ships and freighters.
The Moon Drill Service Module can only be installed if the Refinery is deployed on the eligible moon mining position.
Delivery Terms
To receive STRUCTURE order you must be docked at Jita 4 - Moon IV - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant station for the trade.