ISK / PLEX and Skill Injectors

Perks of EVE BQ store
Over 6 years of flawless work
All this year's EVE BQ store helps thousands of our customers to get amazing EVE experience without an annoying farm. We started at eBay but still continue to provide our services here.
More than Quadrillion ISK supplied
With your help and our extremely safe delivery ways we crossed this line. This number showing that EVE BQ store is trustable partner to work with.
Fast and secure delivery
We deliver orders usually in 5-10 minutes right after you placed an order. Chance to getting caught for RMT is around 0.000013% according to our statistics.
Legit ISK sources
EVE BQ store is cooperating only with trusted and reliable suppliers. All our ISK gathered aren't from macrousing (bots) or any punishable fraud activities. This is how we minimize any possible risks.
Feedbacks and reviews
Our company have thousands of positive reviews at different places. For example only at eBay we have 2600+ positive feedbacks. Now you can see our efficiency at TrustPilot.
Refund policy
If you get caught for RMT using our service we will refund your order or compensate the negative ISK wallet balance. Without any questions.